Images from the Far North: Dall sheep above Savage River

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Dall sheep above Savage River

Dall sheep above Savage River

Location: Denali National Park, Alaska
Date: 22 August 2002
Camera: Pentax ZX-50
I spent an entire afternoon with this ram, and it was one of the cooler experiences I had on the trip. Earlier in the day I had decided to climb Mt. Margaret, and after a really tough climb I ran into three rams near the summit. This guy was the largest of the three, and when he wandered off I followed, nearly walking on top of him at one point. I'd given the sheep about an hour to get used to having me around, and apparently that was sufficient as this guy took a look at me coming over a ridge and promptly sat down. I stayed with him for the next four hours or so, and also had two golden eagles flying by from time to time to check on things.